This is How To Cultivate Leadership as a Spiritual Practice

by | Aug 9, 2020 | Leadership, Managing Teams

This is How To Cultivate Leadership as a Spiritual Practice

by | Aug 9, 2020 | Leadership, Managing Teams

Spending time in nature has me reflect about the spiritual nature of things.  I think of business as a spiritual practice by doing right by others.  I see leadership as a spiritual practice of becoming more attuned and sensitive to what really matters, and helping others to do the same.

I’d like to share a few leadership lessons of a spiritual nature that I’ve learned along the way.

Here’s my fave, encapsulated in an old Jewish saying that goes: “People plan and God laughs.”

So true.

Whenever my plans go sideways, which is a regular occurrence these days, it’s like I have to relearn every time to be patient and compassionate with myself. And as others on my team deal with their own interrupted plans and ongoing surprises and disappointments, I am trying to be a better, and less judgmental, listener and thinking partner, so they can figure out how they want to proceed.

This is hard inner work for me. Oh well. What else was I doing?

Another spiritual lesson I keep relearning is that we are called human beings, and not human doings, for a reason. As human beings, we are motivated by meaning.

I’ve seen many disillusioned sales teams develop high levels of energy and insight when they were asked to think about the meaning of their work, and how the world would change because of the work they are doing.

In times like now, when good work gets destroyed by events and decisions far beyond our influence, when we’re so overwhelmed with tasks and doing that we have no time to reflect,

I’ve learned how important it is for leaders to create time for people to remember why they’re doing the work they do.

So consider reflecting on your leadership as a spiritual practice. Consider how you are part of something bigger than yourself.

My guess is that you’ll love what you will learn. And my hope is that as we continue to reflect, we will all become calmer, more courageous, and wiser leaders. We can do it.