This is how to run better B2B zoom sales meetings

by | Sep 1, 2020 | Leadership, Managing Teams

This is how to run better B2B zoom sales meetings

by | Sep 1, 2020 | Leadership, Managing Teams

The ability to run excellent meetings is an essential leadership and sales skill, so carefully consider what you need to do to create a zoom environment that sets everyone up for success. Here are two specific ideas that will help you.

I love great meetings. Great meetings are interesting and energizing. They have purpose. Great meetings build positive, productive and collaborative relationships.

We all know the power and impact of great meetings.

I wish there were more of them. But I’m singing the meeting blues these days.

When the world shut down last March, millions of us started to meet virtually. For a while, it was amazing. But after jumping from video call to video call every day for the last few months, many of us are starting to feel “video conference fatigue” – the emotional and physical exhaustion and burnout that comes with nonstop virtual interaction.

Here are a few ideas to consider to turn a bad meeting format into one that works.

Don’t try to replicate the in-person format:

Virtual meetings are, by definition, remote, and need to follow a format that takes into account the impact distance and screens have. To help people stay focused and engaged during a long virtual meeting, consider breaking it into several smaller sections by taking a 15-minute break every 60 – 90 minutes.

Or, shorten your meetings altogether. You could probably do an hour-long meeting in 40-45 minutes.

After each meeting, consider sending a quick feedback form. Ask what they thought worked and what you can improve. Don’t be afraid to keep adapting your meeting format until your teammates find them useful.

You can do it!

Everyone will be grateful. Maybe they’ll even start to show up on time, come prepared, and participate more. Which are indicators your meetings are working well.

And one more thing:

I invite you to visit our website and blogs at There’s lots of great information there for leaders and teams. Thanks for watching. Bye for now.